Ways to Give


By donating to the cause, you are providing support under an umbrella of initiatives. Donations are assigned towards efforts that we do not have funding or sponsorship for; this can be in the form of sustainable supplies, shipping, food relief, fuel, and security in any one of the multiple regions we are working in.

DONATE to the cause


 Give Clean Water

Provide deaf people with immediate and longterm access to clean water.


After a disaster, water becomes incredibly contaminated leading to illness and even death.

By purchasing a water filtration system, you will be providing access to clean water for up to 100 people everyday for five years. Each filter can also provide access to clean water for smaller groups of people therefore having the potential to last up to 20 years!


For almost a decade we have been strategically navigating supplies into Haiti for the Deaf Community and with that has come unimaginable obstacles –and then we established a safe haven…

This includes survival and emergency basics, new equipment for small Deaf businesses, and more. With that, came CONSTANT theft-harassment-violence. Deaf people awake to holes drilled into their cement walls, their metal doors pulled-out, leaving nothing but an empty home... it was a constant cycle of our organization distributing supplies to then have them stolen and start over. There was a constant sense of discouragement, anger, and hopelessness. That has since changed as soon as we began to sponsor this “safe haven” in a new, peaceful, and protected environment. This image is the door to that new beginning!

For $200 you can sponsor one month’s rent for one of our two units; for $360 you can sponsor both units; or for $400 you can sponsor the entire basecamp which covers work area, food, and Deaf services for a month.


By donating to the cause…

you are providing support under an umbrella of initiatives. Donations are assigned towards efforts that we do not have funding or sponsorship for; this can be in the form of sustainable supplies, shipping, food relief, fuel, and security in any one of the multiple regions we are working in.